Welcome to my shop!
I teach a range of subjects and here you can find access to all the lovely resources that I use in my lessons. I use a range of work booklets, activity sheets, case studies and presentations.
Welcome to my shop!
I teach a range of subjects and here you can find access to all the lovely resources that I use in my lessons. I use a range of work booklets, activity sheets, case studies and presentations.
These resources are aimed at post-16 students (Level 3) who are either embarking on the CILEX course or who are thinking about what to study during a taster day.
The resources included a “What is CILEX?” presentation as well as an “Introduction to law lesson”. Students can follow the lesson by filling in the attached booklet.The booklet contains activities and a case study which helps them to reflect on the learning they did during the lesson.
Having something to take home after a taster day at college, I found, really helps students to decide if Law is a career they want to do.
This revision poster is aimed at A-Level Law students who are revising for a test/exam.
It prompts 3 key areas from: Offer and Acceptance/Consideration/Intention.
Students can use to the pictures to help them remember the cases and legal rules.
My students thoroughly enjoyed this as a revision activity.
Print this out on A3 Poster Paper so students have plenty of room to come up with their ideas.
Unit 1 Changing Awareness of Crime
Learning Outcome 1: Understand how crime reporting affects the public perception of criminality
Assessment Criteria 1.3: Explain the consequences of unreported crime
The lessons includes the following LO:
Identify the consequences of unreported crime (E-C) Grade)
Explain the consequences of unreported crime using some examples (C-B Grade)
Describe clearly the consequences and the effect that unreported crime has on both the individual and society, using examples (B-A Grade)
Please find attached Level 3 resources for the new specification of Criminology. These resources have been created for post-16 students who are studying the Applied Certificate and Diploma in Criminology. They are suitable for both WJEC and Eduqas exam boards.
The resources attached include both a teacher power point presentation and a student activity booklet. This means that students can follow the lesson easily and the assessment criteria which they are completing is clear. I have designed these booklets so that students feel more guided when it comes to the formal controlled assessment. They can follow the subject material and extend their own learning through the key term homeworks and case studies.
The student booklet includes: A dark figure of crime triangle to complete/case studies/ripple effect diagram to fill in with ideas/broken window theory exercise and much more.
I have linked the lessons to the “Mr and Mrs S” Exam Board Assignment Brief but you can tailor the lessons to any brief that you have selected for your students. Remember that students must acknowledge the assignment brief but not make it all about the assignment brief. They must focus on meeting the assessment criteria set out by the exam board.
Unit 1 Changing Awareness of Crime
Learning Outcome 1: Understand how crime reporting affects the public perception of criminality
Assessment Criteria: AC1.5 Explain the impact of media representation on public perception of crime
Please find attached Level 3 resources for the new specification of Criminology. These resources have been created for post-16 students who are studying the Applied Certificate and Diploma in Criminology. They are suitable for both WJEC and Eduqas exam boards.
The lessons includes the following LO:
Identify the key impact of media representations on the public perception of crime (using basic key words) [E-C]
Explain the impact of media representation on the public perceptions of crime (key words and explaining it with full paragraphs) [C-B]
Describe, clearly and with detail, the impact of a range of media representations on the public perception of crime (key words, full paragraphs and examples) [B-A]
The resources attached include both a teacher power point presentation and a student activity booklet. This means that students can follow the lesson easily and the assessment criteria which they are completing is clear. I have designed these booklets so that students feel more guided when it comes to the formal controlled assessment. They can follow the subject material and extend their own learning through the key term homeworks and case studies.
I have linked the lessons to the “Mr and Mrs S” Exam Board Assignment Brief but you can tailor the lessons to any brief that you have selected for your students. Remember that students must acknowledge the assignment brief but not make it all about the assignment brief. They must focus on meeting the assessment criteria set out by the exam board.
The resources are aimed at A Level Law students studying Contract Law and cover material needed for “Consideration”.
There are 3 lessons with activities, homework and lots of case law. I have also attached some revision notes on Consideration that students can take home, highlight and even use as help sheets for practice exam questions.
The Criminology resources are aimed at Level 3 students. They cover:
Learning Outcome 2: Know Theories of Criminality
AC 2.3 Describe Sociological Theories of Criminality
The resources include lesson power points, case studies, exam practice questions and worksheets.
The resources are all linked back to exam questions and the Criminology spec.
The Criminology resources are aimed at Level 3 students. They cover:
Learning Outcome 1: Understand Social Constructs of Criminality
AC1.2 Explain the social construction of criminality
The resources include lessons and activities on the social constructs of criminality. They explore the idea that society creates law and therefore crimes in different countries and across cultures are interestingly comparable.
The resources are all linked back to exam questions and the Criminology spec.
The Criminology resources are aimed at Level 3 students. They cover:
Learning Outcome 4: LO 4: Understand causes of policy change
AC 4.3 Discuss how campaigns affect policy development
I have included a power point lesson which gets students to reflect on the campaigns for change they covered in Unit 1. This helped my students to tackle this section better as they then understood how this fitted in with causes of policy change (e.g. Stephen Lawrence and the abolishment of the double jeopardy rule). I had a really good class discussion about this section and we highlighted how the government is often very reactive to incidents rather than proactive. My students were saddened that tragedies such as this had to happen before the government did anything about it.
I have also included an activity sheet and some typical exam questions for this section.
These Criminology resources are aimed at Level 3 students.
Learning Outcome 1: Understanding the Criminal Justice System in England and Wales
Assignment Criteria 1.2: Describe Models of Criminal Justice
The lesson power point covers:
-models within the criminal justice system (due process and crime control)
-examples that demonstrate how these link to the CJS
-theories that link to each model
This section is quite content heavy and I found it to be quite a ‘lecture-style’ lesson as lots of things needs to be explained so to liven it up I created 3 case studies at the start to help students start thinking about crime models.
I have included an exam question and homework tasks.
Feel free to message me with any questions as I know that this is a new course!
I hope you find these resources helpful- particularly if you are new to teaching Criminology. My specialism is Law and Criminology so I also welcome any Law related questions.
I will be putting more resources up for this unit.
These Criminology resources are aimed at Level 3 students.
Learning Outcome 3: Understanding Measures Used in Social Control
AC3.2 Describe the Contribution of Agencies to Achieving Social Control
The resources include a lesson power point, follow along student booklet and activities. Within the lesson I have included discussion tasks, picture tasks and tables. The content addresses the following:
By Design (Environment/Prison)-This looks at how local councils design environment areas to help reduce crime
Behavioural Tactics- This looks at things such as ASBOS/police cautions/warnings/fines etc
Institutional Tactics- This looks at CJS institutions such as prison using things such as token economy systems
Gaps in State Provision-This looks at the flaws in social control agencies and why they are not able to achieve complete social control e.g. lack of adequate funding etc
I hope you find these resources helpful- particularly if you are new to teaching Criminology. My specialism is Law and Criminology so I also welcome any Law related questions.
I will be putting more resources up for this unit.
This lesson is aimed at A Level students studying Contract Law.
This lesson takes students through the below remedies with relevant case and legal principles:
Equitable Remedies
Remedies under the CRA 2015